Level Transmitters

Level Transmitters

To get an accurate reading of the content inside a tank, level transmitters are used. For any types of tanks commonly used in industries like vertical, horizontal, squire, flat bottom, dished these Types of Level products. MARX2 (Pvt) Ltd is proudly presents the complete range of level measurement products for your applications in Sri Lanka.

Radar Level Transmitters

Non contacting Radar Level Transmitters

Radar Level Transmitters are one of the best methods to measure liquid and solid level in storage tanks. These radar level transmitters normally provide higher accuracy in its measurement even in dusty environment. MARX2 (PRIVATE) LIMITED is the best supplier in Sri Lanka for Radar Level Measuring Products.

Non Radar Level Transmitters

Ultrasound Level Transmitters

Ultrasonic Level Transmitters are an economical method to measure liquid levels in storage tanks. These are very popular in process industry due to the low cost although this measurement is not much accurate as the Radar Level Transmitters. Ultrasonic Level Transmitters are not recommended for dusty environments.

Ultrasonic Level Transmitters

Pressure Level Transmitters

Pressure level transmitters use the hydrostatic pressure to measure the liquid level of the tanks. These also a cheaper method in measuring level and in general these are for water, fuel, etc. tanks

Pressure Level Transmitters