Pressure Gauges
Pressure Gauge is the simplest method in the process industry to measure the pressure in liquid, gas, air, steam, etc. Pressure gauges are widely used and easy to find not only in industrial but also in domestic equipment. Pressure gauges are required to make sure the current pressure of a system is within its designed pressure range. Pressure gauges supplied by MARX2 (Private) Limited in Sri Lanka are durable and precise. All the types of pressure gauges are available with MARX2 (Private) Limited.
Also, MARX2 has provided custom made pressure gauges for measuring range, dial size, etc. for their customers in Sri Lanka. Our pressure gauges are made accordance with international standards.

Types of pressure gauges
Absolute pressure gauge
Absolute pressure gauges are measure the pressure independent of atmospheric pressure. Always it measures the pressure reference to a vacuum.
Bellows pressure gauge
This type very sensitive pressure gauges are used in low pressure applications. Below pressure elements are working based on the elasticity principle.
Bourdon tube pressure gauge
Wide range of pressure can be measure using this bourdon tube pressure gauges. This is the most common pressure measuring devices in the world.
Capsule pressure gauge
Capsule pressure gauges are used to measure very low pressures. These are having high overload safety.
Diaphragm pressure gauge
Deflection of a thin diaphragm on the pressure applied is use as the measuring principle in this type of pressure gauge. These are used for high corrosive liquids applications.
Differential pressure gauge
To measure the pressure difference in two chambers this DP pressure gauges are used. These are commonly used to measure the pressure difference inside closed vessels.