Turbine Flow Meters
Turbine flow meters can be used for any fluid.
Not like in magnetic flow meters these flow meters are not limited to conductive fluids but also can be used for non-conductive fluids like oil, ethanol, fuel, etc. MARX2 (Private) Limited is your trusted supplier for Turbine Flow Meters in Sri Lanka. As the leading flow meter supplier in Sri Lanka MARX2 (Pvt) Ltd is capable of providing Turbine Flow Meters matching to your applications.
- Wide range of line sizes
- Material of construction: SS316L
- Tri-clover sanitary process connection
- 24 VDC power supply
- +/- 0.5% Accuracy
- High temperature applications
- High pressure applications
- Weather resistant and surge protected
- Milliamp/Pulse output
- Display: integral / remote mount